Natalie Williams
Raj Saha

Morning seminars
(in-person delegates)

Lauren Windle

Lauren Windle

If you’re living in poverty, every day is already difficult. But on top of the struggle, there is a whole range of factors that pile on to work against you. From illness to life expectancy, from education to job prospects, from post code lotteries to the poverty premium, the odds are stacked against those who have the least. What can the Church do, not only to support and welcome people facing these issues, but to push back on the trends that stack the odds against us?


Alasdaire Duerden

Alasdaire Duerden

Our nation is facing serious challenges and the headlines prophesy more hardship to come. Everywhere we look, it seems there’s a crisis – an education crisis, a housing crisis, a mental health crisis, a local council crisis… But God promises that as the darkness grows, His Church shines ever brighter. What might this look like, in our churches and in our communities at this point in our nation’s history?


Tom Grant

Tom Grant

What’s special about your community? Whether you are moving to a new area or have lived in your neighbourhood for your whole life, ‘mission mapping’ can be a really helpful way to explore how you and your church can have a greater impact on the area God has called you to serve. In this practical seminar, Tom will help us dig deeper into our local communities so that we can be more effective in bringing hope and transformation.


Charlie Macdonald Dan Glover

Charlie Macdonald and Dan Glover

Over 30s could learn a lot from younger people about what it means to care about justice, take a stand, and show compassion. But all of us can be prone to disconnecting our desire to make a difference to God, who is the root of all compassion and justice. How can we set foundations for the generations following us that stay grounded in the centrality of the cross and the Bible when it comes to acting justly and loving mercy?


Afternoon seminars
(in-person delegates)

Dr Andy Knox

Dr Andy Knox

Working as a doctor over the last 20 years, Andy has encountered many people for whom our society simply doesn’t work. Inequality and injustice are drivers behind the healthcare crisis in our nation. People are sick, because our society is sick. But Andy will share the antidote that is needed to restore a kinder society that works for all.


Steve Rouse

Steve Rouse

Many of us will have experienced that wonderful moment where someone being served by one of our mercy ministries decides to follow Jesus. But sometimes the next part proves tricky! How do we avoid discipling people into middle class values and becoming good church attendees, and instead grow together in reflecting Jesus to those in the places He has placed us? And how do we help our churches to be places where different backgrounds are celebrated and enjoyed?


Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson

In this seminar Rachel Wilson explores the relationship between poverty and learning disabilities, and draws on great work being done by churches around the country to help change the odds for individuals and families. Finishing with an interview with Dr Naomi Fox, the pioneer and CEO behind UK charity, Growing Hope.


Matt Parfitt Ben Topliss

Matt Parfitt & Ben Topliss

God’s vision for people in poverty is not just relief but release. Churches have become very good at crisis support, which is vital. But how can we provide pathways for people to come out of poverty, and stay out? Matt gave up his career to set up businesses – with the church, while Ben is the leader of Grace Church Nottingham. Hear from both sides why they see this as a way of fulfilling the mission of the local church. Come along and be inspired about what can be possible when the church empowers those who have experienced long-term unemployment!


Pre-recorded seminars
(online delegates)

Christina Duerden

Christina Duerden

Revelations of historic injustices have hit the headlines this year, highlighting the deep need in the human heart to overturn bad decisions and see due punishment received. As followers of Jesus, how do we seek justice and still hold on to mercy? God’s deeper plan shows us the way.


Rosie Hopley

Rosie Hopley

Jesus blessed the peace-makers, calling them children of God. What does it mean to be peace-makers in our communities, where things might feel devastated and ruined? We’ll look at our unique role as followers of Jesus called to rebuild and restore, witnessing how God brings change in unlikely places.


Ben Parish

Ben Parish

God’s call on us as Christians is to be people that ‘rebuild and renew’ the brokenness of the world around us. This involves not only meeting the needs of the marginalised and vulnerable, but also influencing and changing the societal systems that create poverty. How can we do this?


Will Pearce

Will Pearce

Those of us who serve regularly in social action projects are likely to come into contact with a lot of broken-hearted people. Isaiah 61 tells us that the Spirit in on us as believers to “bind up the broken-hearted”. But what does that really look like?


Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson

What does it look like to raise your voice in defence of the oppressed, even when you’re not naturally wired as loud or outspoken?! Exploring the call to advocate, and lift up the voice of others, in your context, and through the gifts God has given you.


Natalie Williams

Natalie Williams

We live in an anti-mercy society where cancel culture, polarised politics, and virtue-signalling are the prevailing narratives. But Jesus-followers are called to be merciful like our Father. When we act mercifully, it sets us apart, but what does it look like to love mercy in a world that hates it?