There is always hope
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed millions of households across the UK into crippling poverty. With the cost of living on the rise, those already living on low incomes are facing the greatest pressure. Now more than ever, people need to know that there is always hope.
People like Trish, who, whilst growing up in Chile with her grandparents, experienced poverty from a young age. ‘Often we had no heating, no electric or much clothing. I watched my grandparents struggle for years,’ she says. Having moved to England and left home at the age of 16, Trish started a family with her partner. ‘We had three children together, but he had problems with alcohol and gambling and was abusive towards me. When the relationship ended, I was left with a lot of debt that followed me wherever I went. I was depressed and hitting rock bottom.’
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) exists to support and empower people like Trish. In partnership with local churches across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, CAP provides practical support to help people break free from debt, find work, gain valuable life skills and learn ways to manage their money more effectively. More than 16,000 people were helped practically through CAP’s services in 2020 alone.* And because these services are delivered through churches, locally-based Debt Coaches and Befrienders are able to meet people face-to-face and provide the emotional, holistic support that those living in poverty so urgently need.
Poverty steals hope from people’s lives. It leaves them afraid to open the door or answer the phone, ashamed and isolated from friends and family, losing sleep and, like Trish, unable to see a way forward. Devastatingly, a third of CAP clients say they had considered or attempted ending their life as a way out of debt.* CAP’s local workers are able to step into that darkness with the light of Jesus, praying with clients, welcoming them into their local church community, and showing that there is so much more to life than poverty has allowed them to see.
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ John 10:10 (NIV)
As well as more than 20,000 who have become debt free through CAP’s work, over 8,000 clients have come to know Jesus and are now on their own journey with God.* ‘Since getting in touch with CAP, my life has changed from shame and depression to coming to faith, being baptised and becoming debt free,’ says Trish. ‘God has given me his guidance and the compassion and determination to help others, so now I’m involved in running local CAP services. I’ve enjoyed teaching others, learning from them, and spreading the word of the Lord through the wonderful work of CAP.’
Trish’s story is a testament to the life-transforming power of Jesus, and how he is able to restore hope no matter how dire circumstances may get. And right now there are many others who need to hear this message.
84% of the people CAP helps get by on an income below the national average, while one in two live below the poverty line.* With household incomes already stretched to their limits and many support schemes set up during the pandemic no longer in place to protect them, it’s the most financially disadvantaged who are feeling the force of the cost of living spike.
According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an independent social change organisation, it’s estimated that low income families with children will have to pay up to £710 more per year.** That’s money they just don’t have, and millions could be plunged into poverty as a result.
CAP is determined to not sit back and let people struggle alone. 2021 marks 25 years since the organisation was founded by Dr John Kirkby CBE, a man with a desire to see the Church at the centre of the fight against poverty, and today his legacy continues through CAP's work to see people released from poverty and find hope in Jesus.
Will you give £3 a month to CAP and help show people in desperate need that there is always hope? Visit capuk.org/jubilee to find out more.
*Statistics from CAP’s own research. Explore more at capuk.org/clientreport.
**Analysis from Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Read more at jrf.org.uk/press