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27 December, 2022

#CTCC22 Online Seminar: Natalie Williams

#CTCC22 Online Seminar: Natalie Williams

Over the last decade we’ve seen churches significantly multiply their social action projects. Many of us are running substantial activities such as foodbanks, night shelters, debt centres, and much more. This is brilliant, but in lots of churches across the UK ‘mercy ministries’ have settled into being a department of church life, with some Christians involved but not all.

This seminar was broadcast to online delegates at the Jubilee+ Churches that Change Communities conference. It explores how we can keep doing what we’ve been doing so well, but move to the next level of seeing mercy, compassion, and a concern for justice built deep into the DNA of our churches. 

Over the coming weeks we will be releasing video and audio content recorded at the conference. You can find links as they are released on the 'Latest News' section of our website (the full collective will be available via a dedicated webpage early in the new year).

27 December, 2022

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