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27 December, 2022

#CTCC22 Online Seminar: Gareth McNab

#CTCC22 Online Seminar: Gareth McNab

Christians are clearly called to meet the needs of those around us, fuelled by the love of God and with His heart of mercy. We are also just as clearly called to speak up for justice – but this can seem harder to do. It can feel political, or partisan. How do we preserve unity in the church while calling for changes in society? It can feel distant, or difficult – how might we make this more accessible and relatable, and not the exclusive preserve of activists or specialists?

In this seminar, broadcast to online delegates at the Jubilee+ Churches that Change Communities conference, Gareth explores this call, and considers how Christians and churches might respond to it today

Over the coming weeks we will be releasing video and audio content recorded at the conference. You can find links as they are released on the 'Latest News' section of our website (the full collective will be available via a dedicated webpage early in the new year).

27 December, 2022

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