#CTCC22 Audio Recording Links
Happy New Year from the Jubilee+ team!
Over the past few weeks we've released all the live-streamed and pre-recorded content from our Churches that Change Communities conference, and we can now share with you all the audio recordings from seminars delivered live on the day.
The full collection of #CTCC22 material will be made available via one dedicated webpage in the coming weeks; in the meantime
take your pick from the six seminar options below (tag us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram if you like what you hear!).
Limited Leader, Limitless God - Rachel Wilson
What happens when the circumstances of life seem to set limits on how we’re able to lead and serve? There are any number of things that can make us feel like our leadership is limited, or even stifled. We are raring to press into all that God has put on our hearts, but our calling seems curbed and our capacity thwarted by factors we can’t control.
Author and Jubilee+ team member Rachel Wilson draws on her own experience and shares how she has found encouragement in the life of the apostle Paul, who was a limited leader serving a limitless God.
Responding Quickly to Crisis - Paul Mogford
Crisis comes in many different forms, always unexpected and always urgent! Over the past few years, nationally we have had pandemic, war and refugees and now a cost of living rise, and locally flooding, power failures and other one off emergency situations. How can we respond quickly and helpfully, working with other organisations and agencies to deliver best outcomes for our local and national communities?
Jubilee+ team member Paul Mogford offers practical suggestions on how to prepare for the unexpected, work with disparate organisations, and get volunteers on the ground as quick as possible.
Hope for the Hopeless - Carl Knightly
Whether during the covid pandemic or further back in history, the church has often stepped into the gap in times of crisis, providing vital community support and social action. But there often seems to be a disconnect between social action and evangelism. There are periods of time when they are held together but churches of all kinds seem to soon drift away from one or the other. How do we keep both together, ensuring we’re not just meeting people’s immediate needs (as vital as that is) but also offering them hope for their deepest need – to know Jesus?
Carl Knightly is the Director of Church Networks at London City Mission
It's Breakthrough Time - Angela Kemm
This is the time for us to be all God has made us to be, for the sake of the Church and of society in general. With the cost of living rising, more poverty on our doorstep, the sick not always able to get the help they need and fear hanging in the air, it is time for the Church to step into the gaps all the bad news has created and bring life, hope and action wherever God sends us. This means stepping up a gear (or two) and doing things we never thought possible – by faith. It’s breakthrough time!
Angela Kemm is originally from Cape Town where she helped pioneer multi cultural church during the time of Apartheid.
Helping Kids Capture God's Heart - Charlie MacDonald
What has toilet roll running out got to do with the mercy of God? And how can an eccentric professor and a plate of broken biscuits teach our kids about the people closest to God’s heart? At the conference we launched our kids’ curriculum, Overflow, and in this seminar we will be exploring how we can help the next generation to capture God’s heart for those trapped in poverty, and how we can equip churches and families to reach out to children who are experiencing poverty themselves.
Charlie MacDonald oversees schools work for London City Mission as well as being a member of the Jubilee+ core team.
Journeying from Social Action to Belonging - Kat Osborn
Many of the relationships we form through our church-based ministries are focused on tackling the needs of others, schemes that address debt, food poverty or homelessness for example. While of course such activities are essential Kat suggests that, in her 20+ years of experience in this sector, what people really want is to feel connected; to feel seen, heard and understood. In this session Kat will be exploring how churches might move beyond projects that ‘do to’ people, and instead serve their community in ways which address need while also affording opportunities to build friendships that offer genuine connection and belonging.
Kat Osborn is the CEO of Safe Families.
Next year's Churches that Change Communities conference will be held in Brighton on Saturday 4th November. Save the date!