Now Available: #CTCC23 Recordings
The wait is over!
All sessions from this year's Churches that Change Communities conference are now available to watch, or listen to.
In a change to previous releases, there are a couple of ways you can access this valuable content.
Jubilee Plus podcast
With the help of producer, Abi Thomas each of the Keynotes, in-person and online seminars will be released as stand-alone podcast episodes throughout the month of December.
The first episode in our #CTCC23 series is already up, so do join Abi & Natalie Williams as they discuss Tope & Kemi's powerful provocation.
In the next episode (out Wednesday) Abi will be talking to Rachel Wilson about Nat's conference Keynote, and what most impacted her.
We hope this format will enable you to benefit from all the content produced for, and at, the conference as you walk the dog, do the dishes, or wrap Christmas presents!
Subscribe to the Jubilee Plus podcast, and listen wherever you most enjoy.
CTCC23 webpage
Find the full package of video and audio material on the dedicated Churches that Change Communities webpage, available here.
Please do share all this content widely with friends and family over coming weeks and months!
And, if you haven't already, get Saturday 9th November, 2024 in your diary now, and consider joining us in Liverpool for CTCC24!