Youth for Christ - myLife courses
The following post comes from the team at Youth for Christ, a national organisation which aims to support and equip churches to confidently engage with young people where they are, both physically and spiritually.
At Youth for Christ we know we’re not the only ones encountering young people in crisis every day. The structural causes of the crises that young people in our nation now face can feel, at times, overwhelming and overlapping.
Young people are struggling to navigate:
- Identity
- Spirituality
- The breakdown of family life: 44% of those born at the start of the century didn't live with both biological parents their entire childhood.*
- Mental health problems through the roof (1 in 6).**
- Poverty: 4.2 million estimated to be living in poverty.***
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) and mental health support (which is increasingly difficult to access)
- Rising rates of exclusions
Over the years, austerity policies have had a detrimental effect on both schools and the support services children and young people rely on. CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) are reportedly overstretched to such a degree that young people are waiting up to two years in some areas for treatment, with some being denied treatment entirely.****
Schools have their budgets so stretched that they are often unable to fund the SEN support their students need, which in turn impacts the school experience for many, leading to negative outcomes. Alternative provision units are increasingly unable to cope with the sheer number of referrals they receive.
These are just a few of issues faced by our nation’s children and young people. At first glance, the situation seems gargantuan. The idea of helping in any way might also be daunting. I’m sure, like me, you may have asked: What can I bring to the table? How on earth can I help?
Well, as it happens, there are lots of ways you can get involved, one of which is by delivering a course called myLife…
Youth for Christ have created the series of myLife courses to reach young people who are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training), particularly with those at risk of making unhealthy lifestyle choices and/or offending. There are seven courses to choose from:
- Managing My Emotions
- Communicating Differently
- Relating to Others
- Navigating Society
- Living Independently
- World of Work
- Managing My Money
The courses are fully developed with activities and resources included, specifically designed to engage young people, offering tutors step-by-step guidance on delivering each session. The core values are based on the fruits of the Spirit. Through the course, young people have the opportunity to grow in character and learn vital life skills. Additionally, they have the opportunity of gaining accreditation with a national recognised exam board: OCR Entry Level 2 – Developing Self.
However, the benefits of this course aren’t just in the learning. Rather, there is something powerful about turning up, week in and week out for our young people. The mad rush that is school – with all the tribulations many of them face – leaves many behind, struggling to keep up, feeling invisible. Just by being there as regularly as possible offers inestimable comfort and support to young people. Listening to them. Helping them. Walking alongside them and modelling how to respond to others in a mature way and make wise lifestyle choices.
In short, taking the time to be Jesus in your local school or alternative provision unit.
If you’d like to find out more, visit mylifecourses.org. If you’d like an informal chat about how we can set you on the journey of reaching out and building up the young people in your local area, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at mylife@yfc.co.uk.
* Children’s Commissioner Family Review, 2022
** NHS Digital
*** Child Poverty Action Group
**** STEM4