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06 August, 2024

Responding to Riots across the UK

Responding to Riots across the UK

Over the past week mob violence has broken out in cities across the UK; this has been precipitated by the horrific attack in Southport resulting in the death of three young girls and life changing injuries to many more.

Local charities, including Someone Cares (who provide emotional support to the families of children admitted to Alder Hey Hospital) were quick to prompt Christians to pray for all affected, for victims, their families, the wider community, as well as staff providing treatment.

In recent days violence has spread, revealing deep divisions in our society (those targeted most recently had fled to the UK believing it to be a place of safety, only to find themselves at risk again).

In response Welcome Churches (a charity which helps churches reach out to refugees and asylum seekers) have put together a helpful short guide on how best to pray, learn and serve (find their full response, here).

In addition to giving prayer pointers the article encourages readers to ask questions, including the following:

Where is the fear in your community? Why is there fear?

Who are the new arrivals in your community? Why are they coming and what do they need?

Who is protesting and rioting in your community? Why are they angry? What do they need?

Who are the victims of the riots and protests? What do they need?

Who does your church have a responsibility towards? What does the Bible say about welcoming people seeking refuge?

Please be praying for protection and healing for all those affected by recent events, for the police, and all those in authority, as they enforce law and order, and for the church to be a beacon of peace and reconciliation in broken communities.

06 August, 2024

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