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19 December, 2024

Sick Society: Andy Knox

Sick Society: Andy Knox

Today’s seminar, recorded at the Churches that Change Communities in Liverpool, is from Dr. Andy Knox. Drawing on over 20 years of experience as a GP and healthcare leader, Andy delves into how inequality and injustice are fuelling a healthcare crisis and how we can invest in hospitality, and being hosted and be part of God’s plan for the restoration of all things.

But it’s not all bad news. Andy brings a hopeful message, offering insights into the antidote that can help us build a kinder, fairer society where everyone can thrive.


Andy shares from his vast experience, including his work as Associate Medical Director for Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB, his teaching role at Lancaster University, and his thought leadership at the King’s Fund and NHS Assembly


Buy Andy’s important book Sick Society here.

19 December, 2024