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23 December, 2024

Video: The Bethlehem Story

Video: The Bethlehem Story

With heartfelt thanks to the team at King's Church London who have generously made this Christmas video available to us.


"So what kind of place does God come down?
To the capital city or the nowhere town?
When God comes in person to rescue things
Does he go to the palace in the city of kings?
Or lower his sights and his standards and
head for the marginal folk in the house of bread,
London, New York, Paris, Jerusalem
Or Barnstable, Bakersville, Barnsley, Bethlehem
To haute cuisine or to meat and two veg?
To the centre or to those on the edge?"

Follow along with the words to The Bethlehem Story, and enjoy celebrating the Son who dignifies the margins with His very presence.

Happy Christmas,

From the Jubilee+ team

23 December, 2024